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All Scripts
One Click Script Installer
Softaculous: As a widely popular auto script installer, Softaculous has become the #1 choice of most web hosting companies. With it´s over 290 great scripts, 1094 PHP classes and guaranteed sales increases it is the ideal one click script installer for your php projects.

Real fast auto installing of any of the 285 scripts in one step, ability to import data and install/ import scripts from itself or any other auto installer and maintain them, are just a few reasons why this should be your one and only choice.

With a wide variety of scripts to choose from, almost every need of the customer is taken care of. Ratings, ranking and demos are available for each script so you could scan and see which suits you best. Easily Integratable to cPanel, this installer does everything from copying files to creating databases making life a lot easier. Whenever updates are ready they are made accessible with improved security features. Become a Softaculous user and run your web sites with ease!

Softaculous. PHP
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Micro Blogs
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Social Networking
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Guest Books
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Customer Support
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 Incident Tracker
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DB Tools
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File Management
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Softaculous. JavaScripts
JavaScript library
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